Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my old friends : )

hello old friends. how are you?
i just found you again, you look sooo cool
and i love you still : )

nintendo gameboy

casio keyboard

hello, we are 80's.

with one of my favorite gundam.

my favorite orange

nintendo gameboy is the most effective games for drop dead your bored. are you still remember when your mommy told you to never go outside? what should i do then? nintedo gameboy help me.thanks my oldfriends. i just look back on my old toy box.. and it feels like i found the greatest treasure from a long journey. its cool! so, ive got to find some accumulator and try to play it again, and surpriseeee it works guys!

white little casio keyboard. first mini keyboard that i had been learnt for the first time. and like another kid my first song to learnt was "twinkle twinkle little star". i bet you must be learnt that song for the first time too huh?!

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